This website is offered as a platform on which to build a balanced world. You, I, and especially we, will have to do this, not “them”—by acting to find out what works, and networking to share this as widely as possible, to prompt our governments and businesses to do what is necessary.
The CHALLENGE of imbalance
Enough! Enough of the imbalance that is destroying our democracies, our planet, and ourselves. We require a form of radical renewal unprecedented in the human experience.

We have to leave behind the divisive politics of left versus right, to realize that a healthy society balances a public sector of respected governments with a private sector of responsible businesses and a plural sector of robust communities.
This website assembles 30 years of thinking about this problem of balance. In 2015, I published Rebalancing Society, from which the passages above have been taken. As readers asked “What can I do?”, I began to gather all the answers I could find and formulate. This website brings them together, to propose what we can do to restore balance in this troubled world.
Five pages follow. The next one lays out a pathway to balance, in three steps, which are discussed in the following pages. These are meant to be read in order, at least initially, hence most of the links and supporting materials have been reserved for a final page.
We will make no headway with climate change
until we rebalance our societies.
Henry Mintzberg, April 2021; modified August 2022 and
December 2023 (especially in III. Consolidating)